The Recipe Card menu is visible whenever a single recipe is open and visible in the Recipe Card window. Its commands apply to a single recipe, its parts, and its display: • Next Recipe, Previous Recipe: Opens the next or previous recipe in the list from which the current one came. • Scale Amounts: Adjusts the amounts of ingredients of a recipe according to your specifications (as described in a dialog which comes up when you invoke this command). • Modify Recipe Item: Contains a submenu which invokes the editor for changing an individual part of a recipe (title, Ingredient List, Ratings, etc.). • New Recipe: Creates a new recipe and adds it to the same recipe file as the recipe now on the card. After creating the recipe and giving it a title, you edit its parts as discussed under the Help topic Editing Recipes. There is a button in the Recipe Card window that also creates a new recipe. • Select Layout: Gives access to the submenu for choosing the layout used to display the recipe. The last item of this submenu (New...) will create a new, untitled format identical to the one currently being used. The same layout selection menu appears as a pop-up menu at the bottom left of the recipe card. • Zoom: Magnifies or shrinks the recipe display. • Modify Layout...: Turns the Recipe Card into an editor for the current layout by overlaying it with layout markings, making all invisible or empty recipe items visible, and adding a Layout menu. See the help topic on Editing Recipe Layouts for details on how to proceed from there.